Saturday 12 September 2009

Grey Herons.

A strange call in the spruce trees in the garden this afternoon made me look further, could see a large bird high up but could not make positive ID, got a pair of binoculars and spotted a Grey Heron, I went out into the road for a better view but a noisy vehicle flushed it, it flew out only to be followed by another which I had,nt even seen.
Another Heron flew down the valley early this morning.
Went for a walk today very misty and damp but this showed up all the spider webs makes you realise just how many there are, according to my wife they,ve all taken up residence with us.
Good numbers of flowers still out, Bindweed,Pink Campion, Bramble,Selfheal,Foxglove,Honeysuckle,Yarrow,Goldenrod,Hawkweed and what I believe to be Wild Angelica but have got to research that more.
Went to the NE quarry to pick blackberries, got just over two and a half pounds in a little over half an hour.While there a Peregrine flew over in close company with five Ravens and many Swallows overhead.
On the way back up through the woods a Dipper on the stream was a welcome sight as I had,nt seen one for some time and was begining to think they had deserted us, Jays also in the woods.
A female Tawny Owl was calling in the woods early this morning.Large numbers of young Swallows at Boskenna.
A Wheatear at Roselucumbe around midday. A male Slowworm in the garden when I got home and while moving a logpile a large Toad was evicted.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all the updates,Brian.

    Keep up the good work!

    Your reports and sightings make me feel a little closer to Lamorna.

    Back in The Magazine soon,hopefully.

