Sunday, 8 March 2009

Some futher wildlife sightings.

After last weeks sighting of a House Sparrow this week has seen a Starling around my garden. Again not a rare bird but unusual in the valley. Between Huers and Carn Barges I saw 2 Canada Geese,first sighting of this species I have had here. Spring flowers are starting to appear i.e Scurvy Grass on the cliffs and Wood Sorrel in the woods.


  1. Hello Brian,

    Have seen same starling in my garden too. Was a bit surprised as its first one I've seen in Lamorna. Maybe it wants to get to know the Sparrow!! Have you thought of doing a bird of he month or, of the week, i.e. choose a bird such as a Raven or whatever and do a profile on it, where we can see it around Lamorna, habits, feeding, calls, nest sites, etc. That would be really good. Keep it up Dawn (your friendly 'nuisance' neighbour).

  2. I have been looking everywhere for these birds. You are giving me a crick in my neck.

  3. Now you're starting to interest me, plants!! I had a leaf for Wo to take upto to your guys last Sunday - but he forgot! I can't identify the bugger. This plant is just fourishing now, by the stream, I think it's bulbous, long leaves, like a fern or lilly of the!! Please identify for me, Kate.
